
Take a closer look

ICPlan is a 360-degree communications planning solution

ICPlan is designed to save you time, money and effort in managing corporate communications

ICPlan prioritises the user experience, with clear navigation making it easy to zone in on the information you need quickly and easily, in just a few clicks.

Align strategic messaging across internal and external communication teams, and drill down to view channel- or audience-specific release schedules.

Integrate with your existing channels, including Microsoft 365, Yammer, Teams and Facebook Workplace, ensuring your messaging is direct and efficient.

Collate and interpret actionable data, track audience engagement, identify areas for improvement, and showcase reach and impact to senior stakeholders

Our guided onboarding process ensures that your communications teams are confident using ICPLan before launch—and ready to hit the ground running

Work with a dedicated consultant to guide you through the configuration, customisation, implementation and launch of the ICPlan platform

Client testimonials

Book a quick demo to see how ICPlan makes comms easy

A comprehensive tour of our platform and service.

Book a quick demo to see how ICPlan makes comms easy

A comprehensive tour of our platform and service

The result?

Greater engagement

Boost involvement from both internal and external stakeholders.

A more embedded solution

Integrate with your existing software tools and map to your workflows.

Lower overheads

Save administration time, reduce costly errors and minimise rework.

Single source of truth

No more inconsistencies, versioning issues or duplicate messaging.

ICPlan in practice - industry name

The background

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Our impact

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The result

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Start with a confidential call to scope your communications needs